Koiyom Clinic - 2022

The Koiyom Clinic, founded in 2019, is located in rural South Sudan. Since it’s opening it has served almost 40,000 patients free of charge, patients who previously had no access to healthcare in a region beset with malaria, respiratory illnesses, cholera and recent conflict.

July, 2022 Koiyom Clinic Trip

During the summer of 2022, one of our rising M2’s had the opportunity to travel to the Koiyom Clinic, at the request of clinic board members, to perform an in-depth needs assessment of the clinic’s operations. During his time there, he observed patient flow through the clinic and interviewed staff, patients, and village elders, to gain an understanding of how the clinic operates, what services it provides, and what tools are needed to improve healthcare delivery to the community. The findings from this trip are currently being compiled into a list of potential projects that aim to address the immediate and long-term challenges to healthcare delivery in Koiyom. 

Make a donation.

100% of your donation goes towards supporting the 3 PAs, 2 midwives, 2 nurses, field officer, community health worker, support staff and medical supplies that allow the clinic to keep providing free healthcare to the Koiyom Community.

Get Involved in Upcoming Projects

To learn more about the results of the 2022 Needs Assessment and see how you can get involved in upcoming projects with the Koiyom Clinic, please reach out to Joseph Iskander via email (jiskande@buffalo.edu) to express your interest.

We are especially looking for individuals interested in supporting the creation and implementation of educational programs in topics of hygiene, sexual health, and nutrition for the Koiyom community.